Chapelwell Dressage

Chapelwell Dressage League started ten years ago, as the 'hobbyhorse' of local riding instructor Lisa Hood and a team of dedicated helpers (you know who you are!). The aim of the league is to promote the dressage discipline by having a league that is (we hope) friendly and encouraging. Each year the league has continued to attract an increasing number of riders, so we believe the formula works!

We have several classes including a special children's class for the under-fourteens, and an 'Introduction to Dressage' class aimed at inexperienced riders (i.e. those people with very limited experience of dressage/horses/riding and who don't compete anywhere other than this league). The Chapelwell League also provides a useful medium for those Prelim or Novice riders who would like to give the next level a go; again in a friendly environment where the emphasis is on personal achievement and goals.